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Presenter Information

Prior to the Conference

  • Confirm your participation time and location with your assigned moderators.
  • Upload professional headshot and biography.
  • Register for the conference. There is a discounted conference fee for those presenting at the conference. Register by early bird deadline for best pricing.
  • Use Ovation to help you prepare for your presentation; see the video below for more details. Access the resource library and register for the webinars here.


USSD PowerPoint Guidelines

  • Download the PowerPoint Template here
  • Your company logo may only be on the first and last slide of your audio/visual presentation.
  • Please bring a copy of your presentation along with you to the conference as a backup on a USB drive or external hard drive.
  • Practice! Please make sure your presentation fits in the allotted time.
  • Keep text on slides to a minimum, visuals are encouraged.

When you Arrive at the Conference

When you arrive at the conference site, please go directly to the Registration Desk.

  • Check-In (Mandatory for all presenters)
  • Speaker ribbons

During your Session

  • Arrive early at your assigned presentation location. If you miss your time slot you will NOT have a chance to present at another time
  • After the moderator introduces you, position yourself at the podium and begin your presentation.
  • Following USSD policy, please refrain from overt to extensive commercialism during your presentation.
  • Presenters should conduct themselves professionally when referring to other persons, companies, or organizations in their presentations.
  • Please define the meanings of acronyms in your oral presentation and visuals so that all attendees can benefit.
  • Each presentation is 20 minutes in length with 5 minutes for questions unless you have otherwise been notified.
  • The moderator will indicate to you how much time you have left with 5-minute and 2-minute warning cards. They will then indicate your time is up with a red card.
  • Please adhere to the time limit assigned to your presentation to keep sessions on track.
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