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Kim de Rubertis Student Scholarship Awards

Applications for the 2025 Kim de Rubertis Student Scholarship Awards are now open.
Application deadline extended to March 21, 2025.

To foster career paths for young professionals, the USSD Scholarship Award program looks to award undergraduate and graduate students in the field of dams, levees, and water resources; and provide opportunities in professional organizations.

The scholarship award is given annually to students whose academic program and plans have the potential to develop practical solutions to design and construction challenges related to dams, levees and other water resources.

The following information reflects updates and changes that have been made for this program.

2024 Scholarships Recipients

Scholarships ranging from $5,500-$10,500 were presented during the 2024 USSD Annual Conference and Exhibition in Seattle, WA.

AWoodward 1st Scholarship Awardee

Ashley Woodard​ - 1st Place

University of California, Berkeley​
“Evaluating Failure Mechanisms of Mine Tailings Dams Under High Stress”

Alicia Walburger_2nd Scholarship Awardee 2400px

Alicia Walburger - 2nd Place

Brigham Young ​University​
“Improvement of Probabilistic Liquefaction Triggering Curves for Gravelly Soil”

Nedved, Isaac 3rd Scholarship Awardee 500px

Isaac Nedved - 3rd Place

South Dakota School of Mines & Technology​
“Viability of geomembranes to reduce overtopping and erosion failures in dams and levees”

JShelton_ 4th Scholarship Awardee

Johnathan Shelton - 4th Place

Tennessee Technological University
“Comparative Analysis of Dam Stability: Integrating Simplified Methods with FEA Seepage and Undrained Shear Strength Assessments”

Previous Recipients

Scholarships Sponsored By

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